PocketLab Improved My Life

Profile picture for user PocketLab
Submitted by PocketLab on Mon, 06/29/2015 - 23:30

A member of the PocketLab community posted to our forum last week, describing a clever way he used PocketLab’s magnetometer to help with a medical condition. We aren’t medical doctors, and PocketLab is not a medical device. This post is not endorsing PocketLab to be used to collect medically relevant data, however, we think this post speaks to the creativity of our users. It sure put a smile on our faces.

The following was from user @ibid, posted to our forum on August 19:

PocketLab Improved My Life

I had a cardiac device implanted about 5 years ago and was given an extensive list of appliances, tools, etc., to avoid due to possible interference, including triggering the built-in defibrillator. Unfortunately, one of the listed appliances was induction cooktops, which we had just installed as part of a kitchen renovation. For those not aware, induction cooktops use AC current to create an oscillating magnetic field that then interacts directly with the cooking vessel to heat it.



Example PocketLab Magnetic Field data, NOT @ibid’s data.

Long story short, I have not been able to go near the operating stove at all…I’ve conservatively stayed pretty far away to avoid the unpleasant consequences. PocketLab changed all that. With my wife moving the [PocketLab] toward the stove, I was able to very clearly see how far the magnetic field effects were projecting and determine a safe zone for myself. Now I can confidently approach the stove much more closely and even use it to some extent without fear of it interfering with my device.

It seems like a small thing, but it’s a big deal for me.
Thanks, [PocketLab]!

Source URL: https://archive.thepocketlab.com/educators/article/pocketlab-improved-my-life