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Analyzing and Interpreting Data for NGSS

Profile picture for user DaveBakker
Submitted by DaveBakker on Wed, 04/25/2018 - 14:01

Looking to add analyzing and interpreting data to NGSS lessons? Look no further. PocketLab is multi-function sensor lab that makes it easy and fun to collect, interpret and analyze data for motion, forces, waves, weather, and more.

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

NGSS Science and Engineering practices place a large emphasis on collecting, analyzing and interpreting scientific data. Starting in Middle School, the practices suggest interpreting graphical displays, large data sets, linear and non-linear relationships, computational and/or mathematical models, all to determine relationships or optimal design solutions. And even Elementary School NGSS recommends students represent data in graphical displays and understand how to analyze data, in addition to using digital tools.

As a science teacher this puts a significant burden on finding tools and grade-appropriate experiments to collect data that can be used. The wrong tools, ones that are either complicated, expensive, or both, can make this intimidating and error prone.

Authentic Data Collection with PocketLab

Analyzing and interpreting data with PocketLabPocketLab is designed to make collecting, analyzing and interpreting data easy. Each PocketLab has many sensors inside, which connect wirelessly to an app on any device, and is virtually one button click away from live streaming data. PocketLab is small and durable and can be attached to almost anything; rockets, carts, balls, pendulums, any kind of science equipment that you already have available in the classroom. With the many sensors in PocketLab and ‘iPhone App like’ ease of use, students can independently collect data, and interpret and analyze in tools they are used to using like graphs, Google Sheets, and Excel. 

NGSS Aligned Lesson Plans for PocketLab

There are free, downloadable lesson plans on the PocketLab website. They range from Elementary, through Middle School, High School, and AP/College level. You can search by grade level and subject by going to this link .

Here are some examples of lessons that teachers have used to collect authentic data for their classrooms:

Elementary School 

Color and Temperature of Objects allows students to investigate how the color of objects affect  temperature.

Energy Conservation - Transferring Kinetic Energy to Thermal Energy, this experiment uses a probe in a jar of sand that the students shake and monitor temperature change.

Middle School

Inverse Square Law of Light in this lab students will use the light sensor and measure the change of intensity as the distance changes to the source. This also gives an opportunity to learn curve fitting on the exponential data.

PocketLab on an Oscillating Cart allows students to study Newton’s Second Law of Motion as well of principals of harmonic motion.

Pressure and Volume with A Syringe uses the barometric pressure sensor to measure the change of air pressure as the volume of a sealed syringe or container changes. 

High School and AP

Classic Conservation of Momentum can be observed and measured by dropping a weight onto a horizontally moving cart.

Moment of Inertia and Conservation of Angular Momentum uses a turntable or Lazy Susan and a weight dropped on the spinning surface to observe and measure the change in angular velocity.

The Physics of a Falling and Unrolling Toilet Paper Roll is a fun lab that let’s students measure the rotational motion of an object and translational motion of it’s center of mass.

Analyzing and interpreting data for ngss

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